Monday, June 25, 2012

Week 3 Day 11

Here is our first set of measurements that we took over the weekend in the grad lab B251.  I stopped the graph at 10 hours, excel doesn't like taking more than 250 or so readings into account for the graph. All of the data has come in within the reasonable range, so we will begin setting up our next location.

 Here is a picture of our setup in the teacher lab  B239..

Our prototype unit is located on the shelf just above the gray wolf unit.  Both units are hooked up to netbooks and set to take readings every 5 minutes. After 10 hours we will then compare the data to the graywolf once again to see how accurate our prototype is.  We will also analyze the data and see if we can see anything different from the other lab.

We are still working on the problem of integrating the arduino board into the labview program.  Here is a  screen shot of the code of the block diagram.  The temperature/relative humidity probe is still problematic since the data is linked together.  I'll keep you updated on the progress.

The rest of today was spent on our lit review for our midterm presentation friday.  This basically means we went through all of our relevant research material and pulled out the main idea of what the paper said.  We will then use this information as we write our paper. Hopefully our overnight data looks good so that we can move on to our next test location.  

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