Today started off with a little bit of computer trouble. We are having issues running our LabView program on my laptop, and pulling data from the Arduino board. The reason why this is important, is we plan on taking readings from multiple locations, hence the importance of a portable laptop. Until we can get this issue resolved, we will continue testing our sensors from the lab workstation in which LabView works fine.
Work is also continuing on combing all the senors onto one board. From yesterday some more connectors have been added....
As work continues on the merged board, here are the pin diagrams that are being used to align the specific components on the board.
The first of our merged boards is completed, containing all 4 of our sensors. We will begin testing as soon as possible. We will also begin work on the alarm system for notification of when our readings stray outside of the acceptable range. We will have a notification on the screen, as well as an actual LED that lights up on the board.
Very cool setup. If you are mounting it on an Arduino is there a reason you are using LabView for the programming?